Speakers & Special Guests
Students of the Month
Feb 19, 2025 6:00 PM
Annual Meeting/Club Assembly
Feb 26, 2025 6:00 PM
Erik Friend
Mar 05, 2025 6:00 PM
Jazz My Wheelchair
Mar 12, 2025 6:00 PM
West Point HS Basketball
Day of Service
Mar 26, 2025 6:00 PM
Work to set up Prom Closet
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Rotary In Action
13 image(s)
Bret McKeand
Oct 19, 2023
27 image(s)
Bret McKeand
Oct 02, 2023
6 image(s)
Bret McKeand
Oct 02, 2023
14 image(s)
Bret McKeand
Oct 02, 2023
44 image(s)
Apr 18, 2019
13 image(s)
Feb 25, 2019
41 image(s)
May 22, 2018
10 image(s)
May 24, 2017
8 image(s)
Dec 21, 2015
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Peoria North
Welcome to Peoria North Rotary Club
Peoria North

People of Action

We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.
Briarwood Country Club
20800 N. 135th Ave.
Sun City West, AZ 85373
United States of America
Dark the 5th Wednesday of the month. June, July and August meet ONLY 1st and 3rd Wednesday
Home Page Stories
Rotary Club of Peoria North:
Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to take a moment to extend my heartfelt thanks for your invaluable participation in the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee Ambassador program this past year. Your dedication and financial contribution made it possible for there to be a float and for Rotary International’s presence to be seen by over fifty million people in the United States and televised in 210 countries and territories.
I am thrilled to share that this year’s float was honored with the Volunteer Award! This achievement reflects the commitment and passion of everyone involved, and your efforts played a crucial role in making this happen.
Thank you once again for your support, enthusiasm, and teamwork. I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together in the future!
Dwight Perry
Ambassador Program Chair
The Peoria North Rotary Club held its annual Fashion Show and Luncheon Nov. 22 at Briarwood Country Club in Sun City West.
Over 100 attendees enjoyed the latest fashions presented by Callee Rose and modeled by Rotarians and friends. In addition to the fashions, a number of door prizes were won by several lucky attendees!
President-elect Darlene Eger and Treasurer Sharon Jarnagin served as the emcees for the event, while Calee Rose took to the stage to describe the fashions worn by the models. Those in attendance were invited to browse and shop for clothing before and after the show, as Callee Rose brought along hundreds of additional pieces of clothing and accessories not modeled during the show.
The Peoria North Rotary Club is now accepting applications for the club's 2024 educational scholarships to be granted to a graduating Peoria Unified School District high school student.
The 2024 George and Willi Wheeler Scholarship is available to all students who currently attend a PUSD high school or Mountain Ridge High School. This marks the second year the club has awarded the scholarship.
The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. The scholarship will recognize high school students who demonstrate strong leadership skills that include opportunities to serve humanity.
The $2,000 Rotary scholarship may be used for any school-related payments such as tuition, books, software and/or equipment at any accredited college, university, vocational school, or certificate program.
The scholarship is named after two long-time club members: George and Willi Wheeler. George was a founding member of the Peoria North Rotary Club and a former Arizona Rotary District Governor. He passed away in 2022.
The Wheelers were strong supporters of education and instrumental in organizing a variety of club projects aimed at promoting literacy. The club recognizes Students of the Month at several Peoria high schools and has sponsored several book drives to benefit Peoria schools.
For the past 10 years, a signature project of the club is to purchase and distribute dictionaries to third-grade students in the Peoria Unified School District.
“All during their dedicated careers in Rotary, the Wheelers traveled to many countries to distribute schoolbooks, administer the polio vaccine, provide computers to schools and bringing goodwill to underprivileged children,” said John Calhoun, president of the Peoria North Rotary Club.
“Their dedication to helping children is the reason the George and Willi Scholarship was founded. It is Rotary’s desire to help as many students as possible to achieve an education and eventually hoping to eliminate poverty throughout the world.”
The deadline to apply for the 2024 scholarship is Dec. 31, 2024. Click here to download the application.
For additional information, email the club at peorianorthr@gmail.com.
The Rotary Club of Peoria North helped to make Thanksgiving more joyful for several low-income families in Peoria. The club donated 16 turkeys to the food pantry at Alta Loma Elementary School, a Title 1 school in south Peoria. The turkeys were provided by the school to low-income families in time for Thanksgiving. Past President Vernon Bridges, right, presented the turkeys to staff members at the school.
Three members of the Peoria North Rotary Club have completed all three Rotary Leadership Institute courses and have officially graduated from the Rotary program.
President John Calhoun, President-Elect Darlene Eger and President-Nominee Margaret Fried completed their third course and received their RLI diplomas at the RLI program conducted Nov. 16.
The Rotary Leadership Institute teaches Rotary basics and provides a better understanding of the Object of Rotary, The Rotary Foundation, Rotary grants and more.
Members of the Peoria North Rotary Club recently gathered to prepare dictionaries that will be distributed to third-grade students throughout the Peoria Unified School District.
The club has been distributing dictionaries to the Peoria Unified School District for more than 10 years. This year club members will distribute the books to 24 elementary schools in the PUSD.
Members met Oct. 26 at Erik Hayes's office to prepare the books. The Rotary Four-Way Test stickers are placed in every dictionary.
Peoria North Rotary Club marked World Polio Day during its Oct. 23 meeting by hearing updates on Rotary's efforts to eradicate polio worldwide and raising funds for Rotary's End Polio Now.
Past District Governor Bret McKeand provided an update on Rotary's efforts to end polio and noted the wild polio virus exists now in only two countries: Pakistan and Afghanistan. Rotary, however, is not slowing down its efforts nor celebrating any victories and will continue its vigorous fight until polio is completely eradicated.
Club members and guests attending the meeting made generous contributions to End Polio Now. All contributions are matched 2 to 1 by the Gates Foundation, so the net contribution is significant.
A total of $720 was raised by the sale of Iron Lung Lager, a beer created especially for District 5495 as a means to raise funds for End Polio Now. In addition, all Happy Bucks generated during the meeting are also being donated to End Polio Now.
District Governor Michelle Holcomb (2024-25) made her official visit to the Peoria North Rotary Club on Oct. 9. The meeting was held at Briarwood Country Club in Sun City West, the new meeting home for the club.
DG Michelle shared with the club her vision and goals for the year, and reminded club members that Rotary was initially created in 1905 as a business-supported organization. The idea back then was to enlist business owners in the effort to serve their communities. She suggested clubs strive to partner with local businesses and encourage them to become Rotarians.
During the meeting, DG Michelle presented Paul Harris Fellow recognition to several members. Peoria North Rotary Club is now an "All Paul Harris Club," which means every member is a Paul Harris Fellow.
Peoria North Rotary Club recognized Peoria Unified School District Students of the Month for the third quarter during an event held Sept. 20 at Centennial High School.
Club Youth Chair Dave Evans introduced the students and presented certificates. Students from Centennial, Peoria, and Ironwood High Schools, as well as Peoria Flex Academy, were recognized.
The breakfast was provided by Centennial students.
Three members of the Peoria North Rotary Club attended the Zone 26/27 Institute Sept. 12-15 in Spokane, Wash.
President-Elect Darlene Eger and Club Secretary Margaret Fried joined PDG Bret McKeand at the institute. Peoria North had the most members in attendance of any District 5495 Rotary club represented at the Zone Institute.
In addition to several peer-to-peer sessions and presentations by several Rotary speakers, the event culminated in the graduation of all 30 District Governors-Elect on Saturday evening -- including District 5495 Governor-elect Jim Schmidt.
Rotary International President-Elect Mario Cesar Martins de Camargo spoke at several of the sessions and was the featured speaker at the Saturday evening graduation ceremony.
A special Rotary Peace Pole was dedicated at Spokane's Rotary Fountain on Saturday afternoon. Darlene and Margaret joined RIPE Mario and several other Rotarians at the ceremony.
Peoria North Rotary Club and the Sun City Rotary Club recently presented a donation of $8,000 to Theater Works in Peoria. The gift will be used to support a program that allows students from Title I schools to attend a performance at Theater Works. Members of the two clubs presented the gift prior to the start of the July 27 evening performance of "Grease." Afterward, the entire cast joined Rotarians in the lobby for a photo. Thank you -- and congratulations -- to Chris Hamby and the Theater Works team for all they do to bring great community theater to Peoria!
The Peoria North Rotary Club held its annual "Commotion" ceremony -- the installation of the new president and board -- June 19 at The Links Restaurant in Westbrook Village.
District Governor-Elect Michelle Holcomb attended and swore in incoming President John Calhoun and the club's 2024-25 Board of Directors.
After a brief program showcasing the life and career of President John, DGE Michelle officially swore in John as president of the club for 2024-25. In addition to John, the club board for the new year consists of: Steve Matthews, past president; Tammy Sabinsky, treasurer; Margaret Fried, secretary; Darlene Eger, president-elect; and Directors Al Dixon and Dave Evans.
Members of the club's Prom Closet Committee shared a recap of this year's activities at the club's June 5 meeting.
Committee Chairs Sharon Jarnagin and Gina Schmitz shared stories and photos from this year's Prom Closet, which took place during two weekends in April. A total of 614 students from over 108 Arizona high schools visited this year's Prom Closet. Rotarians from nearly a dozen District 5495 Rotary Clubs volunteered, including a Rotarian from the Kingman Route 66 Rotary Club!
Certificates of appreciation were presented to the owners of Mr. Formal -- who provide the majority of the young men's wear offered during the Prom Closet -- and the Glendale Elementary School District's System of Care Campus, where the Prom Closet is held each year.
Several members of the Peoria North Rotary Club traveled to Rocky Point May 2-5 to attend the 2024 District 5495 Conference. The conference was the district's first-ever "joint conference." The conference was shared with District 4100 in Mexico. Over 150 Rotarians from District 5495 attended the event, including from Peoria North: John and Cathy Calhoun, Bret and Michelle McKeand, Darlene Eger and Margaret Fried.
Peoria North Rotary Club honored its Students of the Month from Mountain Ridge High School during the club's May 15 meeting. President-elect John Calhoun and Youth Services Chair Darlen Eger presented awards to the students.
Peoria North Rotary Club recognized its "Students of the Month" during a ceremony held April 26 at Peoria High School.
Students were presented with a financial stipend, and notification of a wheelchair presented in their name to a disabled citizen in Mexico.
From left, Margaret Fried (PNRC secretary), PNRC member Al Dixon, Darlene Eger (PNRC youth chair), Janice (Rose) Reyes from Peoria Flex High School, Kennedy Jennings of Ironwood High School, Kylie Gaboriault and Boaz Scwartz from Centennial High School, Isabela Chacon and Kyle Schoenbauer from Peoria High School, and Dave Evans, PNRC member.
The club each quarter recognizes students of the month from these four high schools, as well as Mountain Ridge High School in Glendale.
Peoria North Rotary Club welcomed its newest member at the club's April 24 meeting. Michele Malo, executive director at Briarwood Country Club, was inducted into the club by Past President Jason Braunstein. Congratulation and welcome Michele!
Peoria North Rotary Club continues its 2024 Prom Closet service project this weekend, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday, April 13-14.
The club served over 300 students during the first weekend, April 6-7. The project was featured on two local newscasts -- Channel 10 and Channel 3. Click the links below to view the segments.


Check out a preview of this weekend's Prom Closet created by the friendly folks at Channel 10 in Phoenix! https://www.fox10phoenix.com/video/1436428
The Peoria North Rotary Club has awarded educational scholarships to two graduating Peoria Unified School District high school students.
Isabella Perry and Leah Bucher each received a $2,000 George and Willi Wheeler Scholarship during a recent club meeting. Ms. Perry attends Mountain Ridge High School and Ms. Bucher attends Peoria High School.
The George and Willi Wheeler Scholarship was created in 2023 and the two students are the first recipients. The scholarship is available to all students who currently attend a PUSD high school or Mountain Ridge High School.
The scholarship is named after two long-time club members: George and Willi Wheeler. George was a founding member of the Peoria North Rotary Club and a former Arizona Rotary District Governor. He passed away in 2022.
The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. The scholarship recognizes high school students who demonstrate strong leadership skills that include opportunities to serve humanity.
The Rotary scholarship may be used for any school-related payments such as tuition, books, software and/or equipment at any accredited college, university, vocational school, or certificate program.
The Wheelers were strong supporters of education and instrumental in organizing a variety of club projects aimed at promoting literacy. The club recognizes Students of the Month at several Peoria high schools and has sponsored several book drives to benefit Peoria schools.
For the past 10 years, a signature project of the club is to purchase and distribute dictionaries to every third-grade student in the Peoria Unified School District.
“All during their dedicated careers in Rotary, the Wheelers traveled to many countries to distribute schoolbooks, administer the polio vaccine, provide computers to schools and bringing goodwill to underprivileged children,” said Steve Matthews, president of the Peoria North Rotary Club.
“Their dedication to helping children is the reason the George and Willi Scholarship was founded. It is Rotary’s desire to help as many students as possible to achieve an education and eventually hoping to eliminate poverty throughout the world.”
The club recently announced that it will award three scholarships in 2025. The application can be found at www.peorianorthrotary.net.
For additional information, email the club at peorianorthr@gmail.com.
Rotary Theme for 2024-25
Directors / Contact Us
Immediate Past President
President Nominee
President Elect
Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

Things to know about Mário

Get to know your 2025-26 Rotary president, Mário César Martins de Camargo of Brazil

Light a fire under your club

Light a fire under your clubMembers say they thrive with clear, specific goals and the continuity they

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding