Three members of the Peoria North Rotary Club attended the Zone 26/27 Institute Sept. 12-15 in Spokane, Wash. President-Elect Darlene Eger and Club Secretary Margaret Fried joined PDG Bret McKeand at the institute. Peoria North had the most members in attendance of any District 5495 Rotary club represented at the Zone Institute. In addition to several peer-to-peer sessions and presentations by several Rotary speakers, the event culminated in the graduation of all 30 District Governors-Elect on Saturday evening -- including District 5495 Governor-elect Jim Schmidt. Rotary International President-Elect Mario Cesar Martins de Camargo spoke at several of the sessions and was the featured speaker at the Saturday evening graduation ceremony. A special Rotary Peace Pole was dedicated at Spokane's Rotary Fountain on Saturday afternoon. Darlene and Margaret joined RIPE Mario and several other Rotarians at the ceremony. |